Friday, October 18, 2019

LP Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LP - Assignment Example It should be noted that at the beginning of learning, correct answers are most enabling. Therefore, it is recommended that the teacher at first call on able students to avoid incorrect answers, which can "pollute" the learning that results from this approach. A great example of this can be found in Toms  Math Maps. Math Maps  are Google Maps on which Tom and others have created place marks which when clicked reveal mathematics questions for students to answer based on the maps. There are questions available for every elementary school grade level. The place marks are color-coded to indicate the level of the questions. Blue = Kindergarten, Red = 1st grade, Green = 2nd grade, Light Blue = 3rd grade, Yellow = 4th grade, Purple = 5th grade. Math Maps  is a great way for students to see examples of mathematics in the real world.  Math Maps   have a fun scavenger hunt feel. For students older than elementary school, you might want to consider having them create their own Math Maps as a way to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematics in the real world Group Choral Response; the teacher presents a question to the total group and gives thinking time, the strength of a choral response indicates the general degree of student accuracy and comfort with the learning. Individual Private Response; A brief written or whispered-to-teacher response (when the teacher is moving about the room from desk to desk, table to table) makes students accountable for demonstrating possession of, or progress toward, achievement of the needed information or skill The students can then be given a simple 30 minutes math’s quiz to act as a formative assessment which will help the teacher identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work and recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately

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