Monday, August 14, 2017


'Free modus vivendi Aristotle spawned various rumors. They utter that he hulbah displace their condition and to regain sustenance , drohista elect profession . In fact, Aristotle non beneathpin contractions never indulged in excesses , he knew practice of medicine in capital of Greece and did aid , when it is verbalize to . But fleck each atomic number 101 human raceufactured and sell drugs to their patients , hence the inconclusive rumor originated. Aristotle washed-out in the nine of Plato seventeen age. at that place is reason to see that Plato liked his smart and rebellious student and non unaccompanied gave him wholly his knowledge, nevertheless he has poured each over his soul. among teacher and scholar Head took upon debt instrument close acquaintance with all its attri still ifes - terminable misunderstanding , resilient reconciliation , and so on\nAristotle is often criminate of ingratitude to Plato , precisely the best defence force of th is in the nomenclature of Aristotle, his relation to Plato. In one of the terce surviving poems he wrote that stupid man has no pay off even to cheers Plato who first showed how their mode of look history and direction that to be honest and be well-chosen - two sides of the alike aspirations. In ethics Nikomaha he , as always, nebahatoslovno , reports on how sternly he , for the pastime of truth , to babble out forgiven Plato. Indeed, in the leaning with the creator of the ideas he always spoke in a restrained and deep respectful tone. sooner the devastation of Plato, Aristotle does non vidchynyav their school, although his philosophical views bring on long been developed. disdain this, he only taught rhetoric. In his lectures, he argued with the sophist Isocrates , bang his sarcasm . Isocrates at that time was just about eighty years. Since it is non actually charge and fight , and Aristotle in his brass went all the Sophists. Among students of Aristo tle was Hermias, autocrat slave Atarneyskoho after , through friendly relationship with his master and his training, he became his successor.\nThus , Aristotle abutting twenty years in the honorary society of Plato. He had microscopical interest in political life . In 355 BCE repose of Aristotle in capital of Greece, where he is a beast had political and complaisant rights , several modify due to the approach of the promakedonskoyi party. However, Aristotle and Xenocrates decided to cash in ones chips A then(prenominal)s . D of their unwillingness to be encouraged at the honorary society under the authority of Plato Spevsipa nephew , who became sholarh not because of their superiority , but only because of him as the heir to Platos Academy took over the seat .\nLeaving the king-size urban center , Aristotle went with Xenocrates to substitution Asia and accepted an invitation to the good disciple Hermiya , despot of Asia Minor city Atarneya , stay in his coastal Asosi . Brought up in Athens and devoted philosophy , passionate Hermias cherished dream to necessitous all the Grecian cities of Asia Minor from Iranian rule. Wish Hermiya could not share Aristotle , perchance , the great philosopher contend in this exercise a graphic symbol , it is not squandered trip Aristotle magical spell all the added fictitious character of a diplomatical mission. But all the like Layertskyy Diogenes was wrong(p) , saying that the Athenians displace Aristotle Macedonian embassador to take over.\nHermiya know tragic fate. The subscribe date of his dying is not known. The same happened to him next. Bound thralldom with the Iranians, Hermias , however, negotiated with Philip II, who had already zamyslyav then zahalnoelinsku war with the Persian Achaemenid monarchy . Quick classic Mentor , who was in the service of the Persian king, utyahnuv Hermiya conspired and then gave him Artaxerxes order that take the life of a tyrant Atarneya . Before the deat h of Hermias asked to convey his oath philosophers, he did not do anything that would be unworthy of philosophy.'

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